Friday, August 25, 2017

Sacrifice of the Owls, Silence of the Hyenas 
and the Smoked City of Cats !

Hyenas are pre-dominantly hunters and can even kill lions. Lion are popularly known as the King of the Jungle, but fails to live up to their reputation because they are lazy and even scared from a pack of hyenas, mostly results in hunting a single lion down. Pride of lion disappears when a pack of Hyenas attack. Every Lion thinks of its safety first and climbs up the trees and watch injured lion being killed.
 Surprised? Well, I am shocked, as we perceive ourselves to be humans, in reality exhibit Animal traits more than the real animals do. Hence, Hyenas are the Rulers; their ugly side can be seen in the outcome of riots that took place today at Panchkula and other places in Haryana, Punjab and Delhi.
Owls on the other hand are mostly silent but always perceived to be scary especially because of their big round eyes. Though they are harmless as they are blind during the day when everyone else can see. These owls are directionless, gets influenced by their perceived God man 'Gorilla'.
Well both Gorilla and Hyenas are dangerous for the owls. As Owls are blind and ignorant to the fact that they are going to die due to the materialistic vision of the rulers and to save themselves from the Law of the Jungle which they never cared for.
Egoistic Cats are mostly comfortable alone, busy with their routine and are famous for cat fights. Cats are selfish by nature. They only get united in dire situations, when their life is at a stake. They are united as spectators because that is the best they can do as they selected Hyenas as rulers and ignored the exploitations of Gorilla on other species.
Cats cannot develop their kittens into a Lion who had Inner Conscience. On the other hand, Hyenas were clear about their cubs as their successors .A kitten can grow up to become a cat only. So, becoming Lion is impossible task and also it is selfless act which Cats cannot think of achieving until they get the reality check through a horrifying experience and tragic end to the riots which took place in North India and the small city of Panchkula becoming the epicenter. Now, Cats must look within and define themselves, not with their limited abilities but with unlimited inner self.
Without this realization, The Cities will burn one after another, Owls will sacrifice themselves and Hyenas laughing behind us, will be silent during these tough times. It times, that we as cats become a Lion with great strength and broader selfless vision, to fight hyenas and take back what belongs to our pride and nurture our cubs to become the Pride of Future.


A Gorilla can never become a God-man. So, find a true Guru. Before you believe him or her, use your wisdom and understand everything about your Guru and evaluate the content of their ideologies. DO NOT have blind faith on anyone, if you have started staying in Ashram, Dera and Similar Centers, and you are getting free meals and free stay. It does not mean that you are at the right place.
First, take a break from the Center, go out for few days, now think with a calm mind about the core intention and your experience with permanent officials at these Centers. It will help you to come out of the influence of people and after talking to your near and dear ones, family and wise friends. Now, you will understand whether you were brain-washed by them during this time or  if their behavior was genuine.
You cannot meet God and achieve eternal happiness by killing or harming your brothers and sisters, irrespective they are rich or poor or belong to different communities, states & countries. You belong to the same Human Race. There is no less human or more human, every one has positive and negative emotions.Terrorism and the terrorists are created by Gorillas and Hyenas in Power, for their selfish interests. Innocent Owls and Cats are brain-washed , shown a wrong perspective towards society and each-other. Cats blame Owls and influenced Owls kill Innocent Cats and get killed in riots, terrorist attacks and police encounters.
We lose thousands of lives every year because of Hyenas and Gorillas, because they are in Power. That's why , if we don't become Lions of justice and spread the right ideologies, being aware about phenomenas happening around us, wise upbringing of our children, follow the Correct Guru, befriend genuine people, practice honest living and not live a life of greed, anger and foolishness.We must bring a positive change in ourselves and then only the society will transform.

Pankaj Sehjowalia